Day 2-ish!
Better late than never, right? Here I am on Day 2 of Cheryl Sleboda’s 31 Day blogging challenge, and I’m already behind a day. I did fully edit a quilting video (with picture in picture) and upload it to YouTube yesterday though. That counts, right?
Anywho, the prompt for today was to reveal your sewing space so I snapped a few quick pics. You should know this isn’t the messiest it gets, but it’s certainly not the cleanest either. Anyone who sews, quilts, or participates in another craft knows that there are always a few “in progress” projects lying around, so let’s take a look at mine.
This is at the entrance. I’ve got ALL the lights on so I can work. Everything else seems so dark since I got these LED overheads. You can see my cutting station, which is cleared off so a customer could lay out her quilt to discuss the longarming, and my sewing machine is buried under a spool quilt. My nephew asked one time why I always had so many projects going at once, and all I could do was chuckle. The maker gene runs in the family, so I’m sure he’ll understand one day.
The other side of the room has my longarm with the quilt backing loaded up and the top draped across it. I’m waiting for it to tell me what to stitch. The gold thread in the last photo is what I plan to use. There’s a portion of my toy sewing machine collection in the background, and a quilt on the wall that my darling little cat insists would look better if he pulls it down to the floor.
I’ll sign off now to avoid this turning in to a full on studio tour even though I love those. Thank you for reading and hope you’ll come back again soon!